Let me give you a bit of a back story. One day, my boyfriend Ryan and I were cleaning out our closets and getting rid of some of the kids' old toys. We packed everything up into garbage bags and brought them to the nearest thrift store to donate. My 'thing' in thrift stores is I have to check out the book section. Sometimes, if you catch it on the right day, somebody with excellent taste in books just died or someone with horrible taste in books got rid of a bunch of good ones. Anyway I've found entire collections of Oscar Wilde paperbacks for like, a dollar before and now I'm hooked.
On that particular day I insisted on staying and checking out the book selection after we had dropped off our old hand-me-downs. Ryan wandered up and down the clothing aisles as he waited for me. As I was inspecting a 1980s copy of an ET the Extraterrestrial novel (yes, a novel...and yes, I bought it), Ryan walked up behind me and handed me what I thought was a Santa hat. I was like "ew, thrift store hat" but he insisted I look at it more closely.
It was a Papa Smurf head. He also found the torso, the pants, and feet. Oh, and a smelly beard that we later threw out. But still...MEGA SCORE! The cashier let us have the entire ensemble for ten bucks, and then threw in a pair of smurf hands as well. This entire beautifully handmade costume only cost us ten bucks.
Originally we bought it for the kids, because it's pretty small, but I can't keep my paws off it. Every year since, I've been threatening to wear it, but then "skeleton" or "shark attack" has just been easier for me to pull off. But this year? Oh boy, this is the year. I only need to find a pair of red pants that actually fit me, and a new white beard to wear. Because that other one was just nasty.
The day we bought the costume I stuffed my big butt into the child-size pants and wore a blue t-shirt underneath the costume to cover the five inches of bare belly that would have been exposed otherwise, and me and Ryan trucked out to our backyard and took these three pictures, which were quite a hit on Facebook. As you can see, I figured that smurfs like mushrooms and stand around in the woods. I am not sure what I was trying to do with that rock though.

That rock picture never fails to make me laugh, it's so ridiculous. So anyway, there you have it. Papa Smurf for the win! The only thing I am nervous about is taking the bus in full costume to work in the morning. Maybe I'll just bring it in a backpack and change. Or maybe I'll get invited to an actual Halloween party so I can really show it off. Whatever the case, I'm totally gonna win best costume.
Mary: Nova, that costume is AMAZING! I'm so glad you didn't leave it at the shop. haha
It's amazing and pretty terrifying at the same time. Good job ;D
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