Hey there!
I am Amanda, one half of the Flex Family Arts team and I am thrilled to be doing a guest post over here for our friend Mary! Today I wanted to share with you one of our little at-home weekend traditions with a somewhat Halloween twist. With a baby flex at home, we have a lot of little things that we do to mark certain days, events or seasons that have become pretty important to all of us. The one I want to share with you today is our weekend pancake breakfast.
This is no ordinary pancake breakfast mind you...its our weekly "Pancake Freaks Breakfast"! What started out as a normal chocolate chip pancake meal has morphed into an all-out production. What used to be my morning job has been taken over by the Mister and has turned into a ridiculous ritual that I know the little one looks forward to...okay and the bigger one too.

Recently, the Mister even acquired a new pancake batter dispenser and was especially excited about how this might improve his pancake freak making skills.
Every morning on the weekends the Baby wakes up bright and early and bounds into the room, usually asking "Can James and I make breakfast"...to which I am always more than happy to say "yes!" and off they scamper (okay the Mister usually shuffles) to the kitchen. Baby is usually interested in "making breakfast" for about two minutes and then retires to the den to watch old transformers cartoons while Mister is left to his batter art! About 1 hour later (yeah, he's really slow) we have a full on weekend breakfast complete with plain and chocolate chip pancake freaks, sausages or bacon, fresh berries, juice and coffee!

What are your some of your little traditions??
Mary: Amanda these pancake freaks look so delicious! I think this is a really great tradition and I want to be an honorary member of the family so I can partake in this. haha
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